Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ponder and Feel More Love of God

If you Ponder the Scriptures and begin to Do what you Covenanted with God
to do, I can promise you that you will feel more Love for God
and more of His love for You.  Elder Henry  B. Eyring

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Perspective

It's official, Monday May 20th, Elder Hackleman flew from Salt Lake City to Lima, Peru.  While he was in the airport in Salt Lake, he was able to call home and give us an update.  He is doing very well, although he had a bit of a cold.  His MTC companion was flying to Peru with him along with 35 other missionaries.

He said his time in the MTC was very busy, but he learned a lot and knew that his attitude was a very important element in the work.  There were positive missionaries and negative ones, and it really makes a difference to be positive.

He also told me he wasn't sure what, if any, contact he would be able to make as far as letting me know he arrived safely.  He said, "Mom, if you get a call, then you know something is wrong.  If you don't get any calls, then you know that I arrived safe and sound and all is well."

I have to say, coming from a mom who can't sleep a wink when my children are out of the house, even for prom or something, until they are safely home, I was very comforted by this.  I truely didn't worry one single bit.  Monday night, I went right to sleep without a moments thought about whether or not Jaren made it safely to Peru.  I knew he was in the Lords hands and all would be well.

Imagine my shock, when Tuesday evening I received a call from Peru.  Oh, no, this can't be good.  My blood started rushing.  On Tuesday evening, May 21st, Elder Hackleman's mission president's wife called.  Jaren's words were rushing through my head.  Luckily he was wrong.  They do call when all is well.  Thank goodness.  She proceeded to tell me that he did not have access to a computer right now because there were 35 new missionaries who came in at the same time and the mission office simply did not have enough computers to accommodate that many missionaries to send of emails.  She had all the missionaries write a quick letter to their families and then give them to her so she could mail them off as soon as possible.  They are coming snail mail through the Peruvian post office, or maybe pouch mail, but either way it will be a while before it makes it here.

Elder Hackleman was assigned a companion, but I can't remember who she said it was.  When she called I was driving down the road so I couldn't take notes:)  I can't even remember if she said whether or not the companion was from Peru.  I think he is from the states.  Jaren didn't think he would ever have an American companion, but I'm guessing with all the extra missionaries in the field right now, that is not the case.  Either way if fine with him.

She did say that she was very impressed with his spiritual preparation and knew he was going to be a great missionary.  She said, they treat all the missionaries as part of the family, so they will do all they can to make sure they are safe and protected.  Yeah!

I am now starting to get into the rhythm of being a missionary mom.  I know there have been hundreds and thousands of missionary moms go before me, but somehow, I really wasn't prepared for how much it would affect me.  I just need to get used to the new normal for us.

Amy Hackleman, Mother and keeper of this blog.

Never Alone

We are never alone when we stand with our Father in Heaven.  President Thomas S. Monson

Monday, May 20, 2013

Missionary, Hard Work

Without hard work nothing grows but weeds.  Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Missions Have Eternal Consequences

"Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences...
Anywhere you are in the world, with Prayer and Faith, determination
and diligence, and some Sacrifice, you can make a Powerful Contribution.
Elder Richard G. Scott.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Got My Visa!

My Visa to Peru Came In!!!! Sorry for yelling!

 I am heading to Peru on Monday morning, Yeah!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Elder Hackleman's Departure Day April 10, 2013

We are trying to put on a happy face, when we are feeling sad about missing Jaren.

Jaren's airline Ticket is in his hand

Elder Hackleman is on the plane waiting to depart Omaha, Nebraska for Salt Lake City

Grant watches Jaren's plane out the window.

Just because it is 5:30 in the morning, doesn't mean the boys aren't hungry:)

There goes the plane, bye Jaren for 2 years!

I didn't realize how hard it would be to see Jaren go.
It's a good thing we have good friends who gave me a missionary mom survival kit.
This was just what the doctor ordered!