A record of Elder Hackleman in the Peru Lima West mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Showing posts with label baptism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baptism. Show all posts
Monday, January 19, 2015
Monday, September 22, 2014
Letters This Week
For My Birthday, I took My District to Lunch on our P-Day |
Dear Elder J. Hackleman,
How was your week?? Did you have your baptism? How's your companion doing? Did you know that you never told us what you bought yourself for your birthday?? ! So let me tell you about the awesome week I had! I have been walking two miles every morning while Nathan is in Seminary. That's when I do my prayers. I usually pray for about 3/4 of a mile. Thanks to Elder Bednar, last week I tried something new. I prayed only to thank Heavenly Father for my blessings. Not asking for anything. Holy cow!!! It gave me such guidance, inspiration and strength all week! I'm going to keep doing that for a while. I have a lot to be thankful for!! We are really looking forward to Conference. I bet you are too! That should give you a chance to get with the other missionaries that you don't get to spend a lot of time with!
Seth flies out on the 29th. One week from today! I'm not sure if he told you. He flies out of Salt Lake City around 7:00 am to Los Angeles. Los Angeles to Mexico City and Mexico City to Veracruz. He'll be flying for almost as long as you did, but he gets to stop :)
The Utes went to Michigan and played in the Big House. It was a great game we ended up winning 26-14. But now we start conference play, and it's about to get tough!! PAC 12 has 5 teams in the Top 15. USC, Arizona State, UCLA, Stanford and Oregon. I think we play all of them but Stanford. Yikes!!
I hope you are healthy and safe. Your dad is making a prediction... The next place you transfer to will be your last!!! It's crazy to think that your time is getting so short. Step on the accelerator and keep working hard!! I am so proud of you!!!!
¡Ámele hijo!
Hey dad! Well, It seems a little unorthodox-ed but I used my money to take my district out to eat one p-day. Sooo.....here´s the picture of that. Haha That is awesome that you are walking! and following Elder Bednar's council. President Uchtdorf has talked about that before as well. Sounds like its a common theme coming from the Elder Brethren for a reason. =) Seth didn´t tell me when he´d be flying out. That is so awesome! GO UTES!!! I was a little nervous about that Michigan game. That is awesome. I know I can´t believe how much time is flying. I think my next area will be my last as well. YIKES!!!!!! We did have our baptism. It was awesome. His name is xxxxxxx. He is the husband of the couple we married a few weeks ago. Woo! Love you dad!
Elder J Hackleman
Baptism This Week |
Monday, July 21, 2014
Letters July 21, 2014
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Newest Arrival
Elder Hackleman,
So this week has been very hot. It is supposed to be 99 degrees today, but it's the humidity that kills us. Whew, then to make matters worse, our air-conditioning unit took a turn for the worse. We had it repaired with a hotwire system until we figure out what we are going to do. We are to the point where we can't live without it.
Seth is going through the temple on Tuesday. We found out on Saturday and ever since then, it seems like there has been nothing but contention at our house. Yesterday was a particularly down day. Satan really likes to try to put a wrench in our lives any time there is something good coming around.
I am hopeful that today will be a better day
Seth met with the stake president yesterday and he has a temple recommend in hand.
Nathan is working still at the fields. Starting today he will only be working 3 days a week, but it's still nice to have somewhere for him to go.
How are you doing? What is going on with you? I don't really know much about the area you are in now. I don't know what it looks like, what the ward is like, what the teaching situations are like and so on. I need more details and pictures:)
I sure love you!
Your dad got set apart at the new young mens president yesterday. He will do a great job.
Saturday night Nathan's "friend" Kate, had a surprise birthday party that we helped with. It was pretty fun. She is an only child and her family got baptized about six years ago. They are a real nice family.
Grant has become quite the biker. He rides his bike to Shadow Lake shopping center almost every day to meet a friend of his from the ward. Then they either ride to our house or his and hang out together. It's a great way to stay in shape and out of trouble:)
Saturday we got some free mulch from a family in the ward so we updated out flower beds. They are looking a lot better now. Then we went out to the baseball fields and watched the Blue Angels, then as I said before we went to a birthday party, so it was an eventful day.
Kristen had her baby. They are both doing just fine. It was a boy and they named him Wiley.
Hey mom. I know it’s hard and Satan is working his hardest against you all but sometimes we have to just take the beating and keep moving forward. When the people of ammon (Converted lamanites) made the decision to put down their weapons of war, they decided that there is no way that they would fight again and had faith that if they were firm in being obedient, God would deliver them. They also had faith in something else. If they started to die at the hands of their enemies and realized that God wasn´t going to save them from death, they were STILL determined not to fight back. They knew that sometimes, when you know something is true but you don´t have all the answers and everything just seems pretty grim, we just need to put our head down and push ourselves with the assurity that God is watching us. NOTHING on this earth should have the power or influence in keeping seth from going to the temple tomorrow. It doesn´t matter what happens, tomorrow is his day and when you come out of the temple with him, he will be endowed with power. Satan´s temptations and influences will just roll off your shoulders easier.
In other news, I had a baptism of a family of 3 on saturday!!!
I sure love you mom! I will send you a separate email that has a bunch of pictures that you are rrrreeeaaaaallllllyyy going to like.
Elder Hackleman
Monday, May 5, 2014
More Letters
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 10:45:22 -0500
Dear Elder,
If you haven't read Seth's email, go read it right now!!! I promised your brother I wouldn't say anything!! You have to read his first.
You're going to be so proud of him. He told everyone in his testimony yesterday how much of an example his big brother has been to him. It's true. Jaren, you may not realize it, but you are the best influence on your brothers. I gave Grant a haircut yesterday morning and asked how short he wanted it. He said, "Ummmm I want it Jaren short." It just goes to show you how much the think about you. Speaking of Grant. He was playing catch on Saturday after a Ward service project and came down on his arm weird. He's at the Dr's office this morning. We're hoping it's not broken. It wasn't like the time when Drake hit your arm in football in the 9th grade. But worse than a sprain.
I ordained Seth to be an Elder yesterday! It was so much fun!! I'm so glad to have two Melchizedek Priesthood holders in our family now!!! Of course I have to wait 2 1/2 years for them to both be under the same roof. I can wait. :)
How are things there?? Did you have your baptisms on Saturday? Are there any new investigators that you're working with? I'll send some pictures of Seth's "Call Opening"
Grandma Polly comes in today. She's really bad off. She can't remember any of us except for your mom. Grandma Karen is coming tomorrow. Uncle Jeff passed a kidney stone over the weekend and he's suffering some complications. So, I don't know if he'll be able to make it out for the Graduation. Joel and family will be here on Thursday.
Let's plan on Skyping at 1:00 your time, which I think is 1:00 our time too!! I'll have to send you the account later today. Sorry!!!
I love you so much and great things that you are doing for our Lord!!!
¡Ámele hijo!
Dear Elder,
If you haven't read Seth's email, go read it right now!!! I promised your brother I wouldn't say anything!! You have to read his first.
You're going to be so proud of him. He told everyone in his testimony yesterday how much of an example his big brother has been to him. It's true. Jaren, you may not realize it, but you are the best influence on your brothers. I gave Grant a haircut yesterday morning and asked how short he wanted it. He said, "Ummmm I want it Jaren short." It just goes to show you how much the think about you. Speaking of Grant. He was playing catch on Saturday after a Ward service project and came down on his arm weird. He's at the Dr's office this morning. We're hoping it's not broken. It wasn't like the time when Drake hit your arm in football in the 9th grade. But worse than a sprain.
I ordained Seth to be an Elder yesterday! It was so much fun!! I'm so glad to have two Melchizedek Priesthood holders in our family now!!! Of course I have to wait 2 1/2 years for them to both be under the same roof. I can wait. :)
How are things there?? Did you have your baptisms on Saturday? Are there any new investigators that you're working with? I'll send some pictures of Seth's "Call Opening"
Grandma Polly comes in today. She's really bad off. She can't remember any of us except for your mom. Grandma Karen is coming tomorrow. Uncle Jeff passed a kidney stone over the weekend and he's suffering some complications. So, I don't know if he'll be able to make it out for the Graduation. Joel and family will be here on Thursday.
Let's plan on Skyping at 1:00 your time, which I think is 1:00 our time too!! I'll have to send you the account later today. Sorry!!!
I love you so much and great things that you are doing for our Lord!!!
¡Ámele hijo!
Hey dad! Yeah I read Seth´s email. Holy crap I am so emotional. My companion is pretty excited to because he´s a Mexican. Haha! I am so proud of Seth and all my brothers. We did have our baptisms on Saturday! Hermana Teresa and Fabian, her son. Her husband is a harder case but we haven’t given up on him yet. I am excited because this week, President Waddell from the first quorum of the seventy that is the 2nd counselor in the area suramerica noreoeste of the church is going to come and teach all the missionaries this week. He gave a prayer in this last conference but I don´t remember what session. then Sunday I skype home! 1 o’clock my time sounds great. That will work best for me if you all can make it work for you. I sure love you dad.
Elder J. Hackleman
Hey dad! Yeah I read Seth´s email. Holy crap I am so emotional. My companion is pretty excited to because he´s a Mexican. Haha! I am so proud of Seth and all my brothers. We did have our baptisms on Saturday! Hermana Teresa and Fabian, her son. Her husband is a harder case but we haven’t given up on him yet. I am excited because this week, President Waddell from the first quorum of the seventy that is the 2nd counselor in the area suramerica noreoeste of the church is going to come and teach all the missionaries this week. He gave a prayer in this last conference but I don´t remember what session. then Sunday I skype home! 1 o’clock my time sounds great. That will work best for me if you all can make it work for you. I sure love you dad.
Elder J. Hackleman
Monday, February 24, 2014
Letters This Week 2-24-2014
Elder Hackleman's Baptism This Week |
Elder Hackleman,
How in the world are you? I hope you have a little more time today to give me some more information. I think I will go ahead and write my questions in numbers, then all you have to do is respond to each number. Last time we did it this way it was very effective:)
(Elder Hackleman responded in red)
1. Where do you eat your meals? I eat breakfast and dinner in my room now. We only eat lunch in our pensionist´s house.
2. How often do you eat your meals? whenever we have time...haha
3. Do you have someone who comes in and cleans? No. Unfortunately we clean ourselves =(
4. Do you have someone who does your laundry? Yes absolutely
5. How long has your companion been on a mission? 4 months recently
1. Where do you eat your meals? I eat breakfast and dinner in my room now. We only eat lunch in our pensionist´s house.
2. How often do you eat your meals? whenever we have time...haha
3. Do you have someone who comes in and cleans? No. Unfortunately we clean ourselves =(
4. Do you have someone who does your laundry? Yes absolutely
5. How long has your companion been on a mission? 4 months recently
6. When are you going to send a picture of your companion? I´ll send one today)
7. What is the ward like? the ward is small. there are about 80 people that attend church but they usually show up five min before sacrament meeting ends.
8. Is the food similar to the food in Lima? Yeah the food is pretty much the same
9. Do you ever go to Lima for zone conferences or anything? Nope the president travels up here. He did this last week. It was awesome. He taught a three hour conference on the first 6 verses in first nephi!
11. Did you know that Lebron James got his nose broken while driving to the basket in a game last week? I guess even the best can break a nose once in a while =)
12. Did you know that he continued his drive and slam dunked the basket before falling to the ground in pain and with a nose bleed? And that´s why he´s the best.
13. Did you know that your brother Nathan is now watching basketball on tv once in a while? I AM SO HAPPY!
14. Did you know that Nathan and Grant won their last basketball game on Saturday? YES!
15. Are you going to take some pictures for us? Oh wait, maybe I already said that one:) HAHA yes mother
16. Did you have your baptism on Wed? Yep! It was awesome! Her name is Ariana. Her sister who is 8 and named Celeste got baptized the same day. Ariana is the one on the left.
17. Did you know that Becky and Tim had a little boy they named Keatan? NO! That is so awesome! Ask them what happened to the name Jaren though.
18. Did you know I have been trying out some Peruvian recipes? No way! What have you made?! Were they yummy?
Ok, that should about do it, unless you can think of anything else you would like to add:)
Wed, Seth has his doctors appointment to see how he is coming along. He is still in his sling and hasn't been back to work yet, but maybe after Wed.
I sure love you!
Love Mom
Ok, that should about do it, unless you can think of anything else you would like to add:)
Wed, Seth has his doctors appointment to see how he is coming along. He is still in his sling and hasn't been back to work yet, but maybe after Wed.
I sure love you!
Love Mom
Dear Mom,
This other picture is my Cui that I had last week. It is sooo good. I hope that you guys have a great week! Oh yea! We got an old missionary couple in our stake here in Huaraz. They are going to do family history work. They both speak spanish really well. Thats because they served a mission in guatemala and served six years in a spanish ward in.....Mesquite Nevada! (I don´t know how to spell Mesquite) Haha
Love you!
Elder Hackleman
Cui |
Love you!
Elder Hackleman
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Missionary Photos 2013
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Tuckered Out. Elder Hackleman was so excited to skype his family he couldn't sleep the night before, so he slept through the Christmas dinner. |
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Until the Turkey Arrived! |
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LDS Church Service Project. Bused in Missionaries to clean the beaches. |
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My Companion and Best Bud! |
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Elder Hackleman's Companion |
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Christmas Eve Skype. Best Day of the Year! |
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Elder Hackleman's Baptisms this Week
The girl´s name is Antuanet. The boy´s name is Alain Poul. They are both awesome! Alain Poul is 20 and we are already talking to him about serving a mission!!!
Monday, November 25, 2013
November 25 2013 Happenings in Lima
Wedding Night. Groom Ended up Getting Stuck at Work and Came Late. So Late We Missionaries Missed the Wedding. |
We Did Not Miss the Baptism the Next Day However! |
Hey momma! Yeah I was way curious what that job was all about. I´m sorry it didn´t turn into something better. Are you and the family going to the Beck Christmas reunión? I haven´t Heard if that was in the plans or not. I have been having dreams night after night of being home. It has been so tough. I forget them throughout the day so its fine but it makes it tough to get up. They are so real! Haha Dreams that I´m fresh off my misión at home hanging out with you and watching tv, going out to eat, running errands and things like that like before the mish. I sure miss you mommy! =)
Yeah here are some pictures of Diego and his family. The girl with my companion and I is his wife on their wedding night. We went to their wedding that was supposed to start at 8 but Diego Works in security and they had some sort of problem at work. He couldn´t get there until 930 when we had to be in our rooms so we couldn´t see it. =( but we got a picture with her as proof that we were there! Haha it was ok though because he got baptised the next day. You can read the story in dad´s letter. He is awesome. I love you sooo much mom! Thank you so much for doing that jacket for me. I know it was a hassle and a lot of money. But you just made the life of a fantastic, Peruvian man that deserves something super special. =) I love you so much mommy! Tell the family I love them too!
Elder Hackleman (Your oldest)
Monday, October 28, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
This Isn't Missionary Work, This Is Missionary Fun!
This 17 year old has a brother in law who is a returned missionary who lives in this ward so he got to baptize him which is awesome! |
We were trying to drain the font to clean it so we could refill it nice and clean but it wasn't draining right so I thought up the bright idea to try and plunge it......It didn´t work. We ended up bucketing all the water out. Haha
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