Monday, February 10, 2014

This Week From Peru

Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 10:45:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Week of 2/2/14
From: Elder Hackleman
To: Dad

If heaven can be found on earth, it is found in Huaraz, Perú. It´s safe to say that this is the most touristy beautiful place in Perú and maybe all of south america short of machu Picchu. Funny story. I went to transfers and was talking to some of the elders that I knew and I told them, ¨If the church is really true and President Archibald really receives revelation, I am going to be sent to Huaraz.¨ Haha it was totally a joke of course but I had been dying in Lima for so many months because it has been so hot that for real, there is no way investigators can feel the Spirit to the same magnitude if I am filling buckets up of sweat in their house. Then they called my name and said I was going there! It was so awesome. Haha everyone that knows me that isn´t here hates me now though because it is by far the most coveted zone in the entire mission. They always start the transfer announcements with Huaraz and when they say ¨ok let’s get started! Everyone sucks in a deep breath and holds it in the hopes that they get sent here. Önce or twice a month we go to these awesome lakes in the mountains or ancient ruins or something on pday. Next monday we are going to a lake up in the mountains by a little city outside of Huaraz called Caraz. We need a translator for some of the lessons we teach because there is an indigenous people that lives here up in the mountains that speaks a language called Quichua. It is completely different than spanish. I want to try and learn it and come home trilingual. Haha anyways it is so wonderful to be here. Tell the brothers and Mom I love them and can´t wait to hear how it goes with seth and college and the sidney house and stuff.

To: Elder Hackleman
From: Mom

Seth officially signed with Peru state. He has a full ride scholarship for all 4 years. They do not care when he goes on his mission, he can still have the academic scholarship whenever he attends. He still hasn't made up his mind for sure about going to a semester this fall or straight on a mission. If he goes this fall they will redshirt him since he is not supposed to play for a year. They are sure being awesome. They love Seth. Two coaches from Peru State came to his school for signing day.

Seth Signs with Peru State, a college in Nebraska, to play Football

Nathan and Grant lost another basketball game on Saturday but they have both improved their skills so much. We had a snow day last week so we went to the church and played for hours and hours. I taught them some new stuff and they used in during the game. Grant has come a long way. I think people forget he is only a 7th grader because he is so big and his skills have come so far.
Your dad has been really busy with work. He has taken a lot of time off work to go on all the college visits, dr. appointments and surgery for Seth. He is working around the clock to try and get caught up, but he sure does love his job so it makes it worth while.
The Relief Society is going just fine. Keeping me out of trouble.

Did I mention I have been worried sick about you!!!
Oh, ya, a broken record. Sorry.

I can't wait to hear from you!!

HEY MOM!!!!! No I am fine! Huaraz is literally a dream. I still can´t believe I am here. I just don´t have a lot of time to talk because we do so many cool things on p-day! Check out these pics! We went up into the Andes Mountains today. I am officially the first person on earth to yell ¨Nebraska!¨ in the middle of the Andes of Perú. Well I am pretty sure. Haha That is so awesome of Seth! I am so proud of him! Two Peruvian sons!!!!! Haha Love you mom!
We just live in like a little two room apartment. My companion is awesome. His name is Elder Guzman so I always think of good ole Roberto from soccer. Haha He is from Honduras.... PS Today I officially have 10 months in my mission! Crazy Right!

Elder Hackleman wanted to be the first person to Yell Nebraska as loud as he can in the Andes Mountains.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Goodbye to My Best Friend Elder Ramos-Returned With Honor

Well it’s official. I dropped my companion Elder Ramos off at the offices today. I don´t know about transfers if I am leaving yet. I should know within the next half hour or so. And yea I haven´t sent pics in a while because everyone and their dog has been wanting to take pictures with us these last few weeks and they all tell me they will put them on facebook so I have just been letting them do my job for me. Haha That´s so awesome for Nathan. He is such a good guy! He has serious ballin skills. I´m glad seth´s surgery went ok. What is the word on the Sidney house?! I would die for some cold wind right now.... Haha I´ll let you know on transfers. Love you!

Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Tim Hackleman wrote:

Dear Elder Hackleman

So I bet your week was pretty busy!!! What's happening? New companion! I'm sure it was a crazy time! You'll have to fill us in on all the details!

So Seth had his surgery. It went really well, but he is struggling to recover. If anyone knows how it is, it's you! He just can't get comfortable and isn't very hungry. Yesterday was kinda rough for him and this morning, as if he wasn't struggling enough, he threw up. But by the time I had Nathan to Seminary, he was sound asleep. So hopefully he'll get some rest. I'm sure your mom will tell you this but I'll tell you anyway! :) Seth's doctor came out and talked to us while Seth was in recovery. He said that he would PREFER that Seth goes on his mission before playing anymore football. That it would be as good as new with two years to recover. He could play this fall, but if he ended up injuring it again, he may not be able to repair it again. I'm worried that if Seth doesn't get on a team this fall he won't be able to get on one when he gets home. I'm okay with that, but I know how much you guys love playing. Lots of decisions ahead of him. It doesn't help the fact that he had coaches from two different schools contact him on the day of his surgery!

Maybe you should write him and give him your counsel. He'll value that a great deal.

Your brothers are doing great! Grant has straight A's in school! He is working so hard!!! Nathan is doing great on the spiritual side, but needs to pay a little more attention to the school side! :)

Well, I can't wait to hear how this past week went! Change can be very exciting and motivating!!

I love you so much and I'm so proud of you! Take care of yourself and keep working hard! You're clankin' half way through your mission!!!!

Love you!


Hey pops!

Still nothing on transfers. I am just bumming it with another companionship until tomorrow when I get my new companion. They still haven´t told me if I am changing areas as well or not. I will let you know. I was pretty bummed letting my companion go. We have become best friends. So what happened with the sidney house?! Did you finally get that thing sold? Sounds like seth has a lot of decisions to make. I will send him my input. Haha I am so proud of nathan and grant. They are rock stars for real......well without the drugs and women and parties of course. Haha I sure love you dad. I will find a way to let you guys know about transfers.

Elder Hackleman


Last Days in Current Area, Elder Hackleman Gets Transferred

Friday, January 3, 2014

More Christmas 2013 Photos

Elder Hackleman ,always friendly very helpful ,a very special missionary ,loved by all the neighborhood, especially his family Ochoa Quinte. - With Jaren Hackleman.  This is google translated from the quote put under this picture on facebook.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Service Project Cleaning Beaches in Peru

We did a huge service project as a stake on Saturday, December 14, 2013. We bused in to one of the beaches here and picked up trash. A Lot of the trash turned out to be stuff that construction companies would leave behind. It was stuff like pallets, giant barrels, huge blocks of cement, rusted nails, pvc pipe. Things like that. There were mountains of it too. Needless to say, most of the people who came to help couldn´t lift that stuff so it was pretty interesting for the few there who were big enough, myself included. It was so cool though. All of the stake centers in Perú organized this project so the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints literally cleaned every beach touching the country of perú by the time the service project was complete.

Elder Hackleman worked so hard he slept the bus ride back home.

Another Photo Posted On Facebook

I had no idea what great friends I would make with my Missionary Companions!  I have been blessed with the Best of the Best!

Kristen's Wedding Announcement

My Cousin Got Married While I Was Gone.

Elder Cook Visits Peru

Venezuelan, Peruvian Saints Are “Outstanding,” Says Elder Cook

By Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News assistant editor

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, sister Mary Cook, speak to members in Venezuela. Photo by Curtis Anderson.

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve and ElderTad R. Callister of the Presidency of the Seventy traveled to Venezuela and Peru Aug. 16 to 26, meeting with members and missionaries and conducting an area review and priesthood leadership training meetings.

The Brethren were accompanied on the trip by their wives, Sister Mary Cook and Sister Kathryn Callister. They were also accompanied on portions of the trip by members of the Church’s South America Northwest Area presidency: Elder Juan A. Uceda and his wife, Sister Maria Uceda; Elder W. Christopher Waddell and his wife, Sister Carol Waddell; and Elder C. Scott Grow and his wife, Sister Rhonda Grow.


In each country Elder Cook and Elder Callister said they met local members and leaders who were “outstanding and spiritually strong” and who “focused on their temple covenants.”


Elder Cook and Elder Callister visited Venezuela, located on the northern coast of South America, on Aug. 16-18. During an adult devotional to a large congregation that was broadcast throughout the country, Elder Cook left an apostolic blessing on the people and country that face many challenges. He also bore witness of the Savior and the Atonement.


“I know that there’s been hardship in their lives that are beyond what most of the Saints across the world face,” he said in a discussion with the Church News. “And I felt inspired to talk to them about how the Savior’s Atonement overcomes not only sin and death, not only allows us to have exaltation and salvation, but that it does cover all of the heartache, all of the heartbreak, all of the evils, all of the seeming unfairness of life.”

The Church has a strong and growing membership in Venezuela. The first branch of the Church was organized in the country in 1966 and the Venezuela Mission was created in July 1971. Today the country has some 150,000 members, four missions and a temple, dedicated in 2000 by President Gordon B. Hinckley.

Elder Cook’s assignment in Venezuela was the first time in many years an apostle could meet with members and conduct large-scale priesthood leadership meetings in the country.

He said “the kindness and the sweet approach” of the Latter-day Saints in Venezuela and their “obvious love of the Savior” was remarkable. Being with them was “a very tender, sweet experience.”

Elder Callister said the Venezuelan Latter-day Saints were “hungry to hear the words of an apostle.”

“They love the gospel and want to be in touch with some of the leaders.”

He added that although many in the country struggle economically “they are happy. They are positive. They are very receptive to all the messages. They had a spiritual hunger in their eyes and their hearts to be fed.”

Because of the political climate in Venezuela, North American missionaries were removed from the country in 2005.

Elder Cook—then executive director of the Church’s Missionary Department—said because native Venezuelan missionaries made up only about 50 percent of the missionary force in the country at the time, the Church looked at consolidating the four missions.

“The leadership in Venezuela said, ‘We know that the Venezuelan missionaries left could only fill two normal-size missions, but please don’t do that. We will rise up, and we will call additional young people and we will fill those missions.’ And they’ve done it.”

Elder Cook said during his recent trip he looked at the missionaries with tender feelings.

“They were spiritually strong and you could just tell that they were fabulous. And the success they’ve been having is rather remarkable,” he said, noting that Venezuela is one of the higher baptizing missions in the Church. “The members support them in a wonderful way.”

He noted that almost every young Latter-day Saint in Venezuela, who serves a mission, does so in Venezuela. “They need the missionaries here and they serve here.”

Many of those young people become leaders in the country when they complete their missions.

Elder Cook called the local leaders “strong.”

In addition, the Caracas Venezuela Temple has been a great blessing, Elder Cook said, noting that he and Elder Callister met one group of local members that had traveled eight hours to get to the temple. “They looked wonderful and they were so excited,” he said. “They are focusing on the covenants they’ve made and they’re renewing those in their sacrament meetings. … They are going forward in a wonderful fashion there.”


In Peru, a country rich with history, Elder Cook and Elder Callister held numerous member and priesthood leadership meetings and visited seven of the 12 missions in the country during their travels Aug. 19-26.

Peru, located in western South America, was once home to many ancient cultures, including the Norte Chico civilization (one of the oldest in the world) and the Inca Empire. The Spanish came to the area in the 16th century. “The unique thing about Peru is that they have a history that they understand,” said Elder Cook, noting that Church members honor their rich history.

That history also makes local Latter-day Saints more aware of the Book of Mormon. Peruvian Church members “relate to the principles in the Book of Mormon because those teachings could also be found, in many respects, in their own history,” he explained.

Elder Cook’s visit to Peru came shortly after Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve organized the 100th stake in Peru, which took place on June 30.

Peru has more than a half-million members, 12 missions, a temple in the capital city, and plans to build two more — one in Trujillo and one in Arequipa. Only three other nations — the United States, Mexico and Brazil — have reached the 100-stake milestone.

Elder Callister said one of the highlights of the visit to Peru was participating in an area review with the Area Presidency and Area Seventies in the country. “They each made a report on what they are doing in their areas,” he said. “They are men who are articulate and devoted. It was pleasing to see how seasoned the leaders are for the time the gospel has been in Peru.”

During member meetings, Elder Cook told the Peruvian Latter-day Saints that there “needs to be cohesion and love and unity in the family” and that the family needs to sacrifice to help the rising generation.

In addition, he said, the local members not only need to prepare missionaries to enter the mission field, but they also need to help the missionaries assigned to serve in their own areas find teaching opportunities.

“I thought the response was remarkable,” he said.

He taught members that the cooperation between missionaries and Church members is one way the Lord is hastening the work, noting that there will probably be 85,000 missionaries in the field by the end of the year.

“There has never been, in this dispensation or any other dispensation, anything like that,” Elder Cook said.

Elder Cook noted that despite recent economic success in Peru, there are still large numbers of Latter-day Saints who are very poor. “They recognize that what is really important is to have the gospel and to have the blessings of the temple and to know that you can be reunited with your family, with God the Father and Jesus Christ,” he said. “They have that. They know that.”

Photos From Our Missionary

Christmas Box From the Laws!

From the Hadleys!