Monday, October 14, 2013

This Isn't Missionary Work, This Is Missionary Fun!

After the baptism this 24 year old started tearing up and told me how surprised he was because not only could he feel something when he went under the water, but he couldn´t believe how powerful it was and how good he felt after words. It was so awesome. I pray that he never forgets that feeling and builds off of it to help himself progress in the gospel.

This 17 year old has a brother in law who is a returned missionary who lives in this ward so he got to baptize him which is awesome!

We were trying to drain the font to clean it so we could refill it nice and clean but it wasn't draining right so I thought up the bright idea to try and plunge it......It didn´t work. We ended up bucketing all the water out. Haha

2 Baptisms In One Week!

Elder Hackleman,

How are you doing? How did the weekend go? I was thinking about your stolen backpack and came to the conclusion that it was probably stolen by the waiter. Do you think it might have been the waiter? Did you ask the owners if they had a "missing backpack" turned in? All and all, I'm sure it is lost and gone forever.  Too bad they got that great camera with all your pictures:(

Other than the missing backpack, how are things going?

We had a good time going to Wayne State college visit. It is a crazy thing trying to figure out what would be the best thing to do. Seth has a lot of big decisions to make in the next 6 months.

Grandma Karen was going to come and visit this weekend, but then ended up not coming after all. Roger has a big appointment on Tuesday to decide about chemo.  Hopefully we will know more of what the next few months are going to be like for him soon.

Grandma Polly is coming out for a long visit. She will be here for a month. We are looking forward to that.

Grant is done with football so little by little things will start to slow down as far as games go. Nathan just has two games left. I don't know what we will do when all of football season is over. It has been such a big part of our lives for so long.

Well, I sure love you!

Love mom

Hey Mamma!

This week was awesome! We had two baptisms. One´s name is xxxxxx. He is 17. His brother in law is a returned missionary who lives in this ward so he got to baptize him which is awesome. The other´s name is xxxxx. He’s 24 and has had a pretty hard core life with troubles of just about every form. But we have been meeting with him and we have seen his progression grow extremely fast. He wants to change everything in his life and turn to the Lord. What better way to start then to clean yourself of all your sins right!

I felt so bad because we thought there was enough water in the font but when we stepped in, the water came up to just below my knees. It was pretty late and we didn´t have time to wait to fill the font up some more, we were also already in the water which was freezing so we just went on with it. The first time, his leg popped up because he didn´t expect that I could put him down that low and bring him back up, So we did it again and the second time, I tried to make sure he went all the way down so I dunked him deeper and accidentally smacked his head on the step!! I felt so bad. He was totally fine though and said you could hear it but it really didn´t hit hard. Anyway, it was still an awesome experience because when we went to the bathroom to change, he started tearing up and told me how surprised he was because not only could he feel something when he went under the water (Spiritually speaking, not just his head haha) but that he couldn´t believe how powerful it was and how good he felt after words. It was so awesome. I pray that he never forgets that feeling and builds off of it to help himself progress in the gospel. I sure do love you all! Have fun with Grandma Polly!!!!

Elder Hackleman

Monday, October 7, 2013

Doubt Your Doubts Before You Doubt Your Faith

Elder Hackleman's Favorite Quote Of The Year!

Gringos Watch Conference Together


I didn´t forget dad´s birthday but thanks for the reminder just in case! I am so glad the football week was better this week. That is so awesome with Seth´s college offer! If I weren´t so dang proud of him, I´d be pretty jealous! I´m glad Nathan and Grant are putting up some W´s as well.

Conference was so awesome wasn´t it! It just gets better and better every year. I sent dad my favorite part so you´ll have to read it. Do something fun with dad for the old man´s birthday!

I am going to complete 6 months in my mission in 3 days. Can you believe how fast it´s gone! Am I really your favorite missionary!! You know there are a lot of them out there. That´s a pretty bold statement. Haha

I sure love you mommy!

Elder Hackleman

The gringo clan that watched conference in English. 

My Pensionista took us out to eat Pollo a la Brasa. Yum!

All the English speakers from Zona Trebòl! 

Pictures From Home

Jeff and Tim

Buddies Lined Up Against Each Other, But Still Friends After The Game.

Spencer Palmer and Grant Hackleman

Grant #42

Grant Almost Makes The Catch

#79 Lined up against Seth.  He is over 400 pounds.

Nathan #89

Nathan Makes A Block

Nathan blocks #73

Nathan #89

Nathan's Final Score.  Go Titans!

Nathan Kicking

Nathan Kicking

We Scored a Lot So Nathan Kicked a Lot

Nathan's #1 Fan!

Nathan Takes One To The Face

Nathan's Tackle

Nathan's 2nd Tackle

Thank you Jeff and Joe for a Great Weekend!

This Game Was On Local TV. 

Seth #55 Tore It Up.  400 Pounds, No Problem.

Seth's Running Back Tied the All Time Record for Most Touchdowns.  Thanks to Large Holes Created By The O Line.

Seth Ended Up With 9 Pride Stickers.

The Running Back Would Score a Touchdown and Then Immediately Find Seth to Give Him A High 5.  The Weather Was Ominous.  We Were Under Tornado Watch.  Immediately Following the Game the Sky Lit Up for Hours With Lightening.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Which Road Will You Travel?

Which Road Will You Travel?


This is my companion Elder Ramos. He´s from Chimbote Peru. He is my 3rd Companion.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Elder's letter to his Dad

Well I had a really good week. We had a baptism on saturday. Her name is xxxxxxx. She is 9 years old.

I´d like to talk about it as my spiritual experience as well because it was fantastic. So my companion and I got a reference a couple weeks ago for a less active family. We went to the house and met the grandma who lives there named xxxxx. She has been member of the church for more than 20 years. She raised 7 children alone while they were growing up. One of them went on a mission and is now the pensionista in Antares, one of the areas in our zone. Two of her daughters live with her with their children and esposos. (not married) They were both baptized and very active in the church for many years bet had problems and went in active because they felt unworthy to go to church. Well this and maybe some other things that we don´t know about caused the sisters to have a huge fight with the sister who was always active, the pensionista. Up until last week, xxxxx and xxxx, the two that live with xxxxx, have not spoken to their sister for many years. We went and visited them and invited them to church last week and all 3 and their children all came and they loved it. They really want to come back to church and start fresh. xxxxx is xxxxx´s daughter who we found out was 9 and was not yet baptized. She has been going to church with her grandma and has wanted to be baptized for a long time but wanted her mom to be there. Now that her xxxxx had gone to church, she was ready to talk about xxxxx being baptized. So we had her baptism on Saturday together with a baptism from antares as well, not knowing before-hand that they had a bad relationship with the pensionista from antares, or that they were even family. The pensionista was at the baptism for Antares and when we all walked in, and she saw her family, and we told her that her niece was going to be baptized, they all burst into tears and started hugging and apologizing to each other for whatever had happened before. It was so beautiful, and the baptism hadn´t even started yet!!!!

Anyways that was my spiritual experience because I know that we didn´t have those baptisms together by coincidence, now the entire family is together, going to church, and we are talking to xxxxx and xxxx about going to the temple just as soon as they can get married and talk to the bishop about what they need to do to prepare.

Something more to make it even cooler is we had an investigator named xxxx at the baptism who has a fecha for this saturday. After the service she told us she knows that she made the right decision and can´t wait for her baptism. We are going to baptize her and her two cousins, xxxx and xxxx, this saturday!!!!

Well I love you dad. I´ll be praying for grandpa.

Elder Hackleman

Stake Conference In Peru

Elder Hackleman Got Glasses! I pulled this picture off of Facebook. Someone in this picture tagged Jaren. Elder Hackleman said, "Elder Scott´s talk during stake conference was about women. Every man on earth who has ever caused a woman to cry, should repent. Women are chosen beings from God. It was very cool but very strong and blunt as well. The sister´s sure liked it =)"

2 Weeks Worth of Football

Nathan #89

Nathan #89

Nathan has Arms Up

Nathan in Action

Nathan #89 Game got called at half time because of lightening. We were ahead.

Nathan #89

Seth Holding the Ball

Seth Center

Bellevue's Homecoming Game.  We Won!

Seth #55

Seth made it on TV Sports Section.  Papillion wasn't expected to win, much less trample Bellevue.

Here is the news guy getting coverage of the game.