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Jesus Teaches Apostles |
Good morning Elder J. Hackleman!
How was your week? Did familia Palomino get confirmed? We are all doing great here. Everyone is healthy. The boys have today off for Martin Luther King Jr. day. They were pretty excited about that! We had a General Priesthood meeting with our new Stake Presidency last night. It was awesome. You will really like them. Pres. Derrick (Stake President) was the Stake Young Men's president. He's like the Dir. of Innovation and Technology at UNO, so he's not afraid to use technology in his training and he relates really well to the young folks. He answered a question that I have always wanted to understand. He said that much of the battle between good and evil happens in our heads. It shouldn't be whether or not there is the absence of the battle, but whether we are battling each day to make progress. If there is a battle, then we know we are on the right side. Anyway, I thought it was pretty interesting because most of the biggest fights you’re going to face are the ones that happen in your thoughts. Not between people!
So you've probably already heard. Seahawks and Patriots in the Super Bowl. We have to start planning our menu! So excited that it's the last one you'll be missing. Maybe you'll be able to watch the next one at home!
What's happening down there? You'll have to let us know when they give you the travel plans. Are there any pictures or stories to share? I put some money in your account. Maybe take your comp out to lunch before he goes home?
Anyway, keep working hard and focused! (I know you will).
¡Te amo hijo!
You would not believe how much that applies to what my week was like. Haha I had literally the craziest week of my mission by far. I just wrote it all down in this email and felt like I shouldn´t send it. I will just tell you about it when I get home because an email just doesn´t cut it. Two more months and I will share it with you.
I cannot believe that the Sea-hawks are going to be super bowl champs for my entire mission! Crazy. I haven´t been informed on travel plans yet. I just know the day. Thanks for sending me some cash! And don´t worry, I always share with my comp. Love you dad!
Dear Elder,
If you don't email us about your week, then you gotta write it down in your journal. Otherwise, you’ll forget the details of why this week was such a challenge!
I love you son. Stay strong and keep wielding the sword!
Yeah it’s in my journal. I will tell you guys about it when I get home. I told mom a little. You know how she can never be left with a cliff hanger like that. Haha
Dear Jaren,
BROOO!!! How's it going??? It's your better looking younger brother again! Sorry I haven't emailed you in a while. How's life in Peru treating you? It's pretty great here. We learned all the choreography for show choir last Saturday and Sunday so now it’s just all about perfecting it haha. It’s pretty great and I’m pretty sure we'll have a performance after you come home so you get to come see me make a fool of myself! But anyways we had our second church ball game Saturday (our first one was two Saturdays ago but I couldn't make it because of the previously mentioned show choir practice). It was fun! We lost by like 20 points but I was the top scorer. I had a shot where I was a foot in front of the free throw line with my back turned to the basket because someone was guarding me, and I turned around and shot a fade away that was pretty sick and it DRAINED!!!! I'll have to show you when you come home haha. But anyways I'm going to play some more basketball so I’ll talk to you later! See ya bro!
Hey buddy! I am glad to hear your shootin hoops. You are a natural you know it? I sure hope you have a swing choir concert when I get home. I can’t wait to see it. Can you believe I am home in only two months???? Good guts, I cant. Haha I sure love you buddy!
Elder Hackleman
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Amy wrote:
Dear Elder J Hackleman,
Hello wonderful son of mine. Nathan and Grant do not have school today because it is Martin Luther King day. I was trying to talk them into going to the zoo, but they don't want to. They do have open gym at the church this morning to practice some basketball.
The Laws are officially in Arkansas now. As they drove away on Saturday I realized how much of a hole they are going to leave in my heart. I cried the ugly cry. It made me miss the Hadley's more as well.
I have been working hard on school. I think starting this semester has been one of the hardest things ever. My least favorite class is math, add to the fact that it is January, cold, and depressing, it makes me start to question my motives. I can't help but think bad thoughts, like why am I doing this? I would be very easy to quit, but I'm pressing forward realizing it is only one semester and then I will get to move onto English. I love English. This week my assignment at the beginning of the week was so foreign to me. It has been so long since I thought about estimating I couldn't even remember a thing about it. Luckily Nathan was able to tutor me and teach me a few tricks he had up his sleeve. By the time I went to the Pathway gathering on Thursday, I knew what I was doing and I was even able to help a fellow student who didn't understand it. I keep thinking, one week at a time. I am going to be teaching the class on the 7th week. They asked if anyone in the class knew anything about excel documents. Finally something I feel comfortable with, so I raised my hand. I have been worried about being the lead teacher during the math class but luckily I found my nitch.
During the Christmas holiday we played a serious game of Risk. Maybe we will play that again today. I attached a copy of the picture I took while we were playing.
So, what is happening with you? Are you staying busy? Are you writing in your journal every day telling what the Lord has done for you that day?
How is the weather there?
I sure love you!
Love Mom
Hey momma! Wow, my week was crazy. I can´t even explain it, but anyway, I am doing good. Just pressing along after the hardest week on my mission so far.
That makes me sad that the Laws are gone too. Don´t worry about school. You have a study ethic that can get you anywhere, and some pretty smart sons at home. =) It’s about time we start helping you with your homework once in awhile since that´s what you have done for us our entire lives. On the bright side, in two measly months, I will be home, and I like math a lot! Haha I don´t remember a lot but it will come back to me quick enough I think. I am doing my best to write in my journal. Satan is definitely fighting me really hard in that aspect. I don´t know why, but it just tells me how important it is. That looks like a fun game of risk. Who won? I thought dad didn´t like that game or is it clue? I don´t remember. Haha I love you mom!
Elder J. Hackleman
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