Monday, January 19, 2015

Elder Hackleman Returns Home In March

Mormon Tour in Peru

I want to go on this bus!

Do you recognize any of these tourists?

Note from mom: We got an email from a member in Peru that does tours. Originally we were hoping to go pick Jaren up when he got done with his mission and tour around Peru with him. Unfortunately we are not going to be able to do it, but I sure do appreciate these pictures he sent us. In my dreams I would go visit these sights!

Baptism- End of December 2014


We baptized Familia Palomino! They got baptized after church yesterday and will get confirmed next Sunday. We had a miracle happen so that this family could get baptized.

They had gone to callao Saturday night to visit family and were going to come back that same night but they couldn’t. They ended up getting back at like 7 in the morning. We called them to make sure they were all going to come to church and the dad answered and said that the kids had fallen asleep but that he and his wife were going to come. We weren’t going to accept that so we went to their house and woke the kids up haha. They all made it to church and they all got baptized. It was a really spiritual baptism.

What a Wonderful Day!

I took a picture of my computer while I was skyping you and Seth at Christmas.

Pictures From Peru - Jan 12, 2015

My companion and I exploring a cave on P-Day.

We were on a bus and thought it would be funny to take a picture with a dog that was riding along.  Just before my companion could snap the picture the dog jumped off the bus.  I guess he didn't want his picture taken with me today.  I think he must be shy.

Oh, well, maybe next time.

Note from mom: (The funny thing about this, is in America this week it was all over the news that there was a dog who rode the bus by himself.  It was such a huge story.  I guess in Peru dogs riding the bus isn't a big deal).

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder J. Hackleman,

Good morning. I watched the Law kids Friday and Saturday so Becky and Tim could go to Arkansas to find a house. They found a real nice place and will be moving on Saturday :(

School is going good I guess. Math is a hard class for me. This past week our assignment was to learn our times tables by heart up to 15. That is harder than it sounds. I made flash cards and Nathan and Grant helped me. I don't know what has happened to me, but even the basic times tables have slipped my mind over the years. 8's especially went to Mars for a vacation from my brain. I have been playing a game online that helps bring them back into my memory. I still don't have them all 100% but I have come a long way in one short week.

My Book of Mormon class is still my favorite class. I love studying that book. At times I will start studying and then time goes by and I look at the clock and realize 6 hours has passed. Time flies when you are having fun.

I shared some of your ward council ideas with our ward council yesterday. Everyone was very receptive. Unfortunately it does put a lot of extra work on the Elders Quorum and High Priests. I was talking about how I had been encouraging the women to increase their temple attendance this year, but then was taught by you that this goal was not enough. The goal should be for the couple not just the women. After we discussed all the benefits of the men leading the temple attendance, it was decided that one of our ward mission goals for the year was to encourage the men to lead out in home teaching and leading their families to the temple. It really changed the course of our goals for the year as a ward. Thank you for sharing the wonderful things you are learning on your mission. I just wanted you to know that the trickle down effects are circulating throughout our ward now as well.

The bishop told a story about a similar thing that happened on his mission. The result was the same but the reason was different. He served in Australia. Most of his contacts were by walking up to people on the street. The wards he served in were struggling immensely for priesthood leadership. They had plenty of women and children, so they focused in on men only. They would walk right past women and children on the street and only talk to the men. The result was amazing. They found that when they taught the men, they would teach the entire family and when the men came into the church, entire families came into the church.

I was thinking about the counsel the mission president gave over a year ago for the Omaha area. He said that every less active family in the ward has a baptism. When you combine all these things, you end up with the outcome of what is now our ward mission plan. That is, if every home teacher in the ward took on the families they visited and helped encourage them to temple attendance with the father leading out, huge progress could be made. As a Relief Society, it will be very easy to make goals to align with the ward mission goals. We can help encourage our husbands to lead out in the gospel in our homes.

I am excited for the coming year.

Ok, let's talk about you. Last week the boys had a day out of school because the weather was so cold. While they were home, I was working on a project, but decided I would enlist Nathan and his computer skills to help me do some college applications for you. We did one for the University of Utah. We will do a few other schools as well, just so you will have options when you get home.

I attached a couple of pictures to show you some of my DIY projects I have been working on. Our kitchen table has been needing a make-over for quite some time. Also, the paper blinds I had on the upper windows in the living room had to go. I changed them out with vinyl stained glass on the side windows and reflective vinyl on the large middle window. I also made knew curtains. I love how it all is turning out. (Note to family and friends. There is a link on the right side of the page to my blog if you would like to see pictures). I have also been re-staining all the woodwork to a darker color. This house is going to be in top shape by the time you get home!

I sure love you!

Keep up the good work.

Love Mom

Hey Momma!!!!! That is so awesome to hear about ward council! It’s true, it’s not that women aren’t important in the church, but it is true that it is a package deal when you strike the men first. =) If every priesthood holder only focused in their family, and then the families that they are assigned to as home teachers, the ward would be unstoppable. Home teaching is so key. If I am a father, my family is active. Simple as that, and my home teaching families are active as well. No question.....when every priesthood holder thinks that way, the ward suddenly doesn’t have any less active members. =)

Wow!!! That table looks brand new! Haha I like it!!! I gotta tell ya. I can’t wait to get home and see you guys. I want you to know that I am working harder than ever. I am going out baptizing if it’s the last thing I do. I sure am excited for the next part of my life though. =)

Pic explanation... the first one is of my companion and I in a cave. The other one is of a dog that got on a bus that we were on and was freaking out because it wanted to get off but didn’t know how. I tried to get my companion to get a picture of me with it but right when he went to take it, the bus stopped and the door opened so the dog jumped out, but he got the tail and my foot. Haha I love you mom!

Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Tim wrote:

Dear Elder,

You hit the 20 month mark! Or is it 21? That's getting crazy. Your mom and I think about you all the time. We are so happy for you! Anyway, you need to send us pictures! I don't think you told us about your new companion! We need info!! I know you are super busy, and it's getting close to the end, but you gotta keep us up to date :)

So, we sprung a leak in the Cottonwood ward. The Hadley's left a couple weeks ago for Enid, Oklahoma. I can't remember if you knew the McKee's? They were with us in the Bellevue 2nd Ward. They leave today for Germany. The Law's are leaving on Saturday!!! It will seem like a completely different ward when you get home.

Elder Kitchens posted that he is starting school today. I'm assuming he's going to the U, but he didn't say. Tonight is the National Championship game between Oregon and Ohio State. I have to admit, I'm kinda rooting for Urban Meyer!

So I had a cool revelation yesterday in Ward Council. We were discussing faith and someone mentioned the Brother of Jared. Well it came to me that Ether Chapter 2 and 3 can be applied to missionary work. In Chpt. 2 we have to exercise faith that there is a way to bring our neighbors/friends to the gospel. In Chpt. 3, the Savior is the only one that can put the "light" into them through the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Anyway, I sure do love you. Continue to be careful, obedient and listen to the Holy Ghost.

¡Te amo tanto, hijo!


Hey dad! I hit 21! Can you believe it? I sure can’t. I sent a few pics to mom. Sorry. Dang, the very few number of families that I did know before going on my mission are leaving. I am going to give a homecoming talk to a bunch of strangers....oh well. What do ya do. Haha Oh ya, I am a true ohio state fan right now! Elder Kitchens is going to Weber state....just for this semester til I get home. Haha

January 5, 2015 Letters - New Year's Resolution

What can drop out of your life to make room for something better?

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder J. Hackleman,

Well it snowed last night. We got snow on Saturday as well. It's not a lot, but it sure is pretty. So I have a favor to ask you. I have been on one of my remodel kicks painting and beautifying our house. I will send some pictures sometime this week, so by next Monday you should be able to see all the updates I have done. Anyway, I wanted to update some family photos for above the tv so I need a recent picture of you.

So, how are things in Peru? We are trying to get back into the swing of things. The Christmas break was sure nice, but school starts back up today, so my break is over. Everyone is back to our regular schedule now.

We sure had a good day yesterday at church. Relief Society was very spiritual. Sharon Packard taught the lesson based on a talk given by Sheri Dew. It was a lesson about Grace and what that means for us. I felt inspired to challenge the ladies to make a new year’s resolution. It is really a challenge the bishop gave each of us when we were in tithing settlements, but I felt it needed to be reiterated. The bishop asked each one of us to think of something in our lives that we can get rid of, to make room for something better. I took the bishops challenge and added to it. I feel like many of us, have a lot of items in our lives that certainly can drop out. We do not need to be so busy and stressed all the time. I decided to try and make a list of things that can drop out of my life this year, so rather than adding new daily tasks, I am making a list of what can drop out of my daily tasks. What a comforting feeling it is. Then I challenged the women to go to the temple in 2015. If they haven't been before, to prepare themselves and go this year. If they have been, go more often. Whatever their attendance was for the year 2014, double it for 2015.

I kept thinking of the counsel you gave us while we were skyping and I have not been able to get it out of my head. I feel like the Cottonwood ward could become a place of Zion if we all refocused our attention on the temple. So I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful spirit and teaching you have given to me and I am hoping to pass on to all those who will hear me.

Keep up the good work!



Hey mom! That is so great that you are challenging the relief society to go to the temple! Remember though that it’s a family commitment so if they are going to go, they need to take their husbands. If their husbands don’t have time or aren´t prepared, the answer is, ´´figure it out!” It is the most important thing we do as members of the church. Challenge them to go to the temple on their date nights as couples. That´s way better. =)

Love You

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Mormon Missionary Brother's Skype Home For Christmas

Since Elder J Hackleman will be coming home from his mission in March and his brother Elder S Hackleman just left on his mission, they will not be able to see each other in person for 3 1/2 years.  Twice a year missionaries are allowed to skype home to the family.  Once on Christmas and once on Mother's Day. Other than these two times a year, the only contact missionaries have outside their missions is via a once a week email.  Because of this, the 1/2 hour skyping time is priceless.

As the mother of both missionaries I have to admit I sat and cried as I watched my two boys talking.  Not because I was sad, but because I am so thankful and proud of them.  I couldn't be more blessed as a mother.  Our family has missed them terribly, but we understand the great work they are doing and wouldn't have it any other way.  Our family has been blessed abundantly back at home because of their great service.

Missionary Name Tags

We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly, we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

Elder J Hackleman on the left, Elder S Hackleman on the right.

This is my Work and My Glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Moses 1:39

We believe in God the Eternal Father, in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in The Holy Ghost.  Because of our firm belief in God and the importance of his gospel plan, we feel a deep desire to share it with the world.

Elder J Hackleman, Peru Lima West

President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) said:

“The Book of Mormon brings men to Christ through two basic means.

1.  It tells in a plain manner of Christ and his gospel.

2.  The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ.

It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. (See 2 Ne. 3:12.) It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon are similar to the type we have today. God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so molded the Book of Mormon that we might see the error and know how to combat false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of our time” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1975, 94–95; or Ensign, May 1975, 64).

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Resolution

The way to tell if you are on the right track to the Celestial Kingdom is by checking the road you are traveling.  Does your life's road lead you to the temple?  If not, you are not on the right road.   Baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the way to start down the path to eternal life, but it is just the beginning.  The destination cannot be achieved without the additional ordinances that can only be obtained in the temple of the Lord.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Photos from home

Nathan singing with the Omaha Symphony
Can you see him?

After putting up lights at Grandma's it's time for a break

Grandma's House

Thanksgiving Dinner

Yes, it's blurry, but we had to catch Nathan
In the act of helping with the cooking
For Thanksgiving

Grant and G-pa Roger at the football game

Surgery Day

Nathan and his friends

Storm Chasers Game

Merry Christmas From Peru

Merry Christmas to All

Some pics! this is called panetón.
It's a fruit cake basically. and I eat it. haha

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder J Hackleman,

How are you doing today? What is this week like? Do you have a regular week with the exception of Christmas or is it different in some way.

Don't forget our skype account is: xxxx

What time would you like to skype? We are available any time you are.

We are pretty excited for Thursday. I can hardly wait to see you and Seth.

Well, the good news is, I got done with my school on Saturday and now I have two weeks off. It is a nice break. I got to A's! Ha.

I sure love you. I can't wait for Thursday!

Love Mom

Hey mom!!!! I am so excited to skype you too! My week will be the same except for when I skype home. Haha That´s awesome. I know Jake will get me hook ups. How about we skype at like 3 o´clock my time? is that ok? Woo!!! Mom get´s Christmas break too! Haha I love you!

Elder Hackleman

December 15 letters

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder J Hackleman,

How are you doing? Did you get your package? We had our ward party on Saturday. The theme was the Parable express. We had a musical number performed by the young men and young women. Nathan and Grant both participated. It was to the Hot Chocolate song from Polar Express. It was very cute. They even had props and actions. Then after church yesterday, Nathan had his December concert at the school. It was great.

I still keep thinking of the lesson I learned from Henry B Erring about writing in his journal every single day of his life specifically making a note of how he saw the work of Christ in his life that day. I sure hope you took my challenge and have been doing this. Especially when you are on your mission, I think it will be a blessing in your lives if you acknowledge and then recognize the work of the Lord.

So I guess Seth is pretty open for a time to skype, so if you just give us a time we will nail it down with him. I guess Grandma and Grandpa are going to Uncle Jeff's this year so you will only get to skype the immediate family.

Last Sunday Daniel was made bishop. He sure is the man for the job. He will do awesome.

Jake Kitchens friend-ed your dad and I on facebook so now I am friends with him and his mom. We will be able to coordinate his trip here easily now. We are sure looking forward to that.

Saturday night at the ward dinner, Erik Jacobs made some Peruvian salsa. I was so sad I didn't realize it until it was all gone already. His wife Julia told us he would make us some this week. I sure look forward to that. Jake has been posting Peruvian dishes on his facebook and they look delicious. You need to take pictures of your food whenever you can so we can get a better idea of what you eat:)

I sure love you!



Hey momma! I`m proud of Nathan. I guess if he chooses being the next famous thing in music instead of going to the NFL, he will still have a proud older brother. Haha That`s awesome for Seth. Your so funny mom. His cute face isn't going to get ruined any time soon if he keeps fighting like he is. Have you gone to watch? its pretty cool. haha. with Christmas I am really open. would you prefer calling in the morning or in the afternoon? That's awesome that Daniel was called as bishop. I will send him an email right now. I`ll take some pics of some foods for ya. have you talked to Jake's mom at all?? I love you!

Hey dad. First things first, Familia xxxxxxx came!!!!!!! They just have to go to church this Sunday and the Saturday following.....agua!!! haha we are super excited. yes I did get the package and no, I haven't opened it yet, I am exercising obedience as should be proud. haha sounds like a fun week! So are we just going to skype the immediate fam? I haven't done that once yet! What are the rules for Seth in his call?

Ventanilla is great! We are on track to break the mission`s record in baptisms for a single zone this month. I told you that right? woo! That is awesome that Utah is ranked so high! I don`t know where that came from but impressive! I will be home for March madness to watch them play. haha I am staying surprisingly focused. I thought I would start getting trunky this close to the end but we are working like crazy! All is well. Love you dad!