Monday, July 21, 2014

Bear Lake Reunion-2014

Idaho Reunion 2014

We arrived in Idaho in time for Ella's Softball Game

Uncle Time

Bubble Wrap on the Head - So You Can Be Safe

Can you really have olives without putting them on your fingers?

Low Country Boil

The Girls Painted Seth's Fingernails for the 4th of July

Waiting for the Fireworks to Start

Let's go Swimming!


A little Bling on sunglasses and pins.

Courtney was in a Parade on July 4th

Looks Just Like Daniel

Cousin's Rule

The 3 Amigos

Do You like the shirt on the left? 

The Slide

Photo Bomb

The pool is a cool retreat from the heat.

Week of June 30, 2014

We sanded and painted the Pergola at Grandma Karen's House for her birthday gift.

It ended up being a lot harder work than we had anticipated.  The paint sprayer was too heavy for anyone to hold up above their head except for Tim and Seth.  Tim started to get sick so the majority of the work landed on Seth.  He definitely did more than he should have post shoulder surgery.

From Mom,

Your dad is helping with the painting even though he is Lame. His knee is swollen and hurting. He is calling his gout "tendentious" because of course it isn't gout.

That is awesome! You will be a great district leader!

Love Mom

From Elder Hackleman,

HA! It is never gout mother......

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 8:14 Tim wrote:

Dear Elder,
Well, we made it to Grandma Karen's yesterday. It was a good drive. We stopped in Sidney just to see the house. It was pretty much the same except they filled in the trampoline hole! The new owner glared at us as we drove slowly by. He doesn't know who we are, so he seemed like a jerk. Oh well! Not our problem anymore. Today we're going to paint the pergola for grandma. Tomorrow we'll head out to Idaho. We'll send you pictures!

How is everything going there? What's happening with teaching appointments? I looked into that your company, but all they have is a FaceBook page. And it's all in Spanish! I'll still keep them in mind.

Seth had 6 wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday. He's finally starting to feel better. Nathan got home from trek on Saturday. He had a great time. You would be so proud of him. He has matured a lot.

D-Wade and Kevin Bosch are joining Lebron in free agency. Looks like the entire heat team is getting overhauled!

Well, tell us how thing are going!!!

Love you son!


Hey Dad! That is crazy that they filled the hole in. It just isn´t the same now. Haha We have been contacting like crazy this week. We have found some cool new people so we´ll see how it goes. I met a member in our branch here and he has been to omaha!!!!!!!! We works with cattle and has been to omaha, atlanta, madison, kentucky, kansas and more! It was so nuts! I never thought I would meet someone in my mission that had been to omaha. Haha

How did seth have so many wisdom teeth?? That is crazy! Bummer deal with Lebron and the boys, I think they will get new contracts though. How could they not.

We had a crazy week this week in the mission. Like 10 missionaries from our mission that are from central america got kicked out of Perú pretty much because they had a bunch of problems with their missions. They got reassigned to missions in either ecuador or columbia. That caused for a massive emergency transfer in the mission to try and fill in empty spots. Luckily, my companion and I didn´t get changed but my district leader did, so President Archibald made me district leader. Haha That was the craziest of the weekend. My companion didn´t get kicked out but he did have to go to lima to do stuff for his visa so we were out of our area almost all of tuesday and wednesday.

Love you Dad!

Elder Hackleman

June 22, 2014 Letters

My District

My companion and I made pancakes with another 

companionship on our P-Day.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 10:07 PM, wrote:

Elder Hackleman,

How are things going? We have been pretty busy this week. Nathan is now working out at the fields with Seth. He is a hard worker. Friday night we had a major rain storm with flash flooding and the works. They had to call the games and have closing ceremonies in the Barn. Tim sent all the employees home except Seth and Nathan. Then stuck around until midnight, and then rode home with Time. We had Seth leave the Trail Blazer at the fields and picked it up Saturday. Bellevue actually had a guy that night that had a car stall out in deep water so he was walking out to the edge and got swept away and died. It was pretty scary. Looking out our front window the water was flowing down both sides of the streets like a river. I'm sure the dry river bed in the back was flowing as well. Luckily we were safe and sound. Quite a few people in the ward ended up with flooded basements. I know the Law's had some flooding. I'm sure glad we have a sump pump.

Yesterday we were weeding in the yard and I came across a rabbits nest with at least 3 baby rabbits, right in my garden area. I didn't have the heart to disrupt them, so once again the rabbits win the race in our yard.

Nathan is gearing up for Treck. He leaves on Thursday. He is going in memory of Parley P Pratt. I am excited for him. It will be such a good experience.

Seth is getting his wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday. This should be fun ha ha.

Grant is flying to Grandma Karen's on Tuesday to spend the week until we get there on Sunday heading out for our family reunion. We are going to do yard work for Grandma Karen's birthday gift.

I sure love you!



You guys are already heading out to the Beck reunion??? Sheesh, I am jealous. At least it is my last one! You will have to keep me filled in on all the dirty details haha. Dad tells a different story about the bunnies. He said you ran screaming when you saw the nest move before you knew what they were. Haha I see that as much more believable. Haha That is crazy that you guys had all that rain. I have been out of Huaraz for a month now and I already miss the rain again. Haha That is so cool that nathan is going to trek as parley p pratt. DId he get to pick or was it just randomly given to him? He will walk in memory of his namesake! I hope you guys have a great week!!!

Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 8:42 AM, Tim wrote:

Dear Elder,

So we had a great week! We got lots of stuff done. I have to tell you a funny story about your momma. We had a huge rain storm Friday night. So your mom, Grant and I decided to go out and pull some weeds in the flower beds because the ground was so soft. Grant and I were sitting on the grass next to the street sign right on the corner in the front of the house. Your mom had gone in the back yard and was weeding that little square right next to the deck. She didn't notice a little mound of dead grass about the size of a small paper plate. She's pulling weeds and starts pulling the ones next to this dead grass. And it starts to move!!!! She let's out a few of her normal screams and runs up on the deck and starts yelling out for me. Of course Grant and I can't hear anything with the traffic and such. She climbs over the other side of the deck to come get us. So Grant and I follow her back and she shows us where it moved. I instantly knew what it was. Grant used the broom handle to gently pull back the grass. Sure enough. Four little baby rabbits! When I say little, I mean like maybe a week old!!! Of course Grant wants to keep them and raise them as pets. But we just covered them back up and left them alone. He checks on them every day though.

I don't know what families you remember from the ward. But the Hadley's are moving to Oklahoma this fall! Also, do you remember the Brandvold's? Kevin was talking to us the night you were set apart. He was the Scoutmaster, then a couple months ago he got called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric. Yesterday he was released because they are moving to Texas. They called Bro. Decker to be the new 2nd Counselor. He was the Young Men's President. That mean's I'm getting released sometime soon! Maybe they'll call me into the Primary. NOOOOOOOO!!!! We've had a few people move into the Ward and a few move out. In general, I would say it's bigger than when you left.

How are things there? Those pig photos that you sent were hilarious!! Grandpa Howard would have been proud to see you with the cow!! How is the teaching going? Your companion looks like a really nice guy.

We're on our way to Idaho on Sunday. We're stopping at Grandma Karen's to help her to some yard work, then going the rest of the way to Idaho on Tuesday. We'll do the family reunion and then on July 5th we're meeting Uncle Jeff, Uncle Joe, Grandma Karen and Grandpa Rog at Bear Lake for some boating. We'll take lots of pictures to send to you!!

Thank you so much for working so hard for our Savior. I feel his love for us every day and it makes me so proud of you! You are such a great example to your brothers.

¡Ámele hijo!


Hey dad! That story about mom is hilarious. She told me about the bunnies but failed to mention the part about screaming. Haha I remember the Hadley´s of course. That is too bad that they are moving. I got to admit, it won´t be very fun to come home to my ward and not know a single person and them not knowing who I am either. Oh well Haha as long as the Laws don´t move. I will be honest, I am super jealous that you guys are going to the lake. I was thinking about it, it has been over a year that I haven´t gone swimming. I don´t think I have gone an entire year without swimming in my entire life. Haha I want us to take a boating trip as soon as we can when I get home deal? Did you look in to the stuff on machu picchu or not yet? I sure love you dad!

Elder Hackleman

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Great Article

I love this article about missionaries in Peru.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Letters from Dad 6-16-2014

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Tim wrote:

Dear Elder Hackleman,

How was your week? Did you ever get your camera to work? Well, yesterday was Father's Day and your mom and dad's anniversary! We have been married for 25 years!! I don't know how she puts up with me! To help celebrate, I dumped cold water on her while she was in the shower. She loved it!!! NOT. That's what I call true love! Wow, so you're in a Branch eh? Well, you know what that's like. Have they given you a calling? We had a great week. OUR HOUSE IN SIDNEY CLOSED!!!! Yay!!! It'll be such a huge relief. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Everyone here is doing great. Nathan started his second, and final, Basketball camp today. He's frustrated because he doesn't know the plays, but he's not giving up. Grant is doing awesome. Seth is working three days at the fields with Tim Law and 3 days at Bed, Bath and Beyond. He's slowly accumulating the stuff that he needs to take on his mission. Your mom and I are setting aside our Peru money so that we have it for our trip! I'm not gonna lie, you're dad is a well travelled man, but this trip is scaring me to death!! But I'm so excited at the same time!!

I have some bad news. World Champion San Antonio Spurs. They beat the Heat 4-1. Two of the four wins were by 20 pts!! The Heat's only win was by 2 pts!

Anyway, tell us what's happening! In a couple months, yours and Seth's names will be side by side in the Ward Bulletin's Full-time Missionary section.

¡Ámele hijo!


Oh my word I am so happy that the house closed! That is so fantastic! It is probably the only thing that could quench the pain of the heat losing. I think it is because I wasn’t there that’s all. They will make a comeback when I get home. Haha Don´t worry about the trip. Even at the airport in Lima, you pretty much don´t have to know any Spanish. haha do you think Joel and Ann will be able to come too or probably not? Either way, I have been doing some asking around to try and get an idea of what machu picchu is like for tourists. It is pretty far from lima. You can get there by bus or by plane but everyone says take a plane even though it is more expensive because the roads from lima to cusco are treaturous. and I would imagine they´d be bad with people who actually know how to drive. Haha So you guys should check on that kind of stuff and hotels and what have you to kind of get an idea on prices. I have heard rumors of a tour service called moroni tours that supposedly takes you up to machu picchu on a tour but one run by members of the church. That would be something right there. Also, ask President Reinhart what its the details are on how/when i would be released because he holds the keys for that, not even my president does. And I am not sure how it works if he is able to delegate the authority to my president to release me here or if I just don´t get released until I am home. I am not really sure how that works but yea. I sure love you dad!

Elder Hackleman (The first)

June 16, 2014 Letters

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Amy wrote:

Elder Hackleman,

I guess you heard the bad news, The Heat choked. Labron played well and made a lot of points but the Heat got stomped by the Spurs. Game over.

In other news, Nichole Uhl is engaged. She looks very happy in her pictures so that is good.

Seth is working a lot lately. 6 days a week, every other day for Bed Bath and Beyond and at the Tim Law’s baseball fields. He is running the t-shirt press.

Becky took Nathan and Grant out to the fields and let them go down the slide with her kids. They sure had a lot of fun.

Nathan has another basketball camp to go to this week.

Nathan was asked to give his testimony during church yesterday about scout camp. He did a great job.

We had a pretty low key father's day. We put a roast in the crock pot, so after church we ate then watched a few movies. You are going to love this, we watched Saturday's Warrior. Ha Ha. I remember you singing, "There is a Distant Lamp, that Lights the Way for Me, I hope they hold it high so I can see," Good times.

Then in the evening Seth and I went out with the Sister missionaries for an appointment that we got stood up for. Oh well, we had a family that I had gone to with the sisters about a month ago that we could not get into the door. The wife had been taking the lessons about a year ago, but they weren't really very interested. They were just real nice. Anyway, we knocked their door and the husband answered a month back. He was so nice, we invited him to church and he kindly said he wasn't interested. The problem is, I could not get this family off of my mind, so I asked the sisters if we could try them again with Seth. The husband is Mexican and he is an interpreter. I also saw a Nebraska flag on their house and asked if he was a fan and he told me just of the football. I was quick to observe and knew that Seth was the key to getting in the door.

Yesterday, we went back and this time the wife answered and she was the only one home. She was kind, but not interested, so I played the Seth card. I explained that he was going on a mission in August to Mexico and would really love to get some tips on learning Spanish from her husband. Now we hit a cord. She invited us back when her husband was home. She agreed for her and her husband to take the missionary lessons and help Seth learn some of the language in Spanish.

I do love missionary work. It is in my blood. As a ward council we are reading a book called, "The Power of Everyday Missionaries." by Clayton M Christensen. It has the What and How of Sharing the gospel. It is so awesome. There are couple of points that stand out in the book that I would love to share with you. First of all, it talks about how the majority of people you meet do not know how to pray or read from the scriptures. As far as prayer goes, many churches have recited prayers so even if they are church going people, they do not know how to pray for themselves. Spending an entire lesson teaching the proper way to pray and receive answers is vital to missionary work. He suggests that you always assume a person does not know how to pray and automatically incorporate the how to pray as part of your missionary lesson. Secondly, even avid readers do know really know how to read the scriptures to get answers to questions and prayers. Reading scriptures is not like reading a novel so an alternate way to read scriptures would be a wise thing to teach as well.

It is suggested in the book that you start off a meeting with a question to the investigator to have them tell you what doctrinal questions they have in their life. After you have a question from the investigator, give them a homework assignment to find the answer. For instance if they wonder about baby's getting baptized, share with them the scriptures in Mosiah 18:1-16 and Moroni 8. Then write a 2 paragraph answer to each of these questions:

1. Why does it make God so angry when people baptize little children?

2. Why does God want us to be baptized in the first place?

3. What is the process by which we come to be forgiven of our sins?

To get the answers go through these steps:

1. Pray on your knees, aloud, telling God that you got this homework assignment. Ask him to help you understand the chapters as you read them.

2. Read the chapters

3. Write your answers in draft form to the 3 questions.

4. Kneel again in verbal prayer and explain to God the answers you have written, just as if you were talking to Him face to face.

5. Read the chapters again.

6. Revise your answers based upon your deeper understanding.

7. Kneel again and pray a 3rd time. This time you need to ask God if the things that you have written are true.

I am going to use this the next time I am in a teaching situation.

I sure love You!

Love Mom

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Elder Hackleman wrote:

This is my cow. Her name is Tomasa. Ok she isn´t mine but we visit her often when we go to a sister´s house that we are teaching. She has some other farm friends that live there too. Those pigs that my companion and I are holding were born during our lesson!!!!!!! Haha so we had to go grab them and take a snap shot or two. Haha

Hey mom!!! I sure feel a bit of a different spirit in your letter and in dad´s could it be that you just had a huge financial strain lifted from your shoulders????!!!! WOOOO!!!! Hhaha that is so awesome. I am stoked that Nicole got engaged as well. Haha is it to the guy she´s been dating since forever? Help Nathan anyway you can mom, every chance you get, take him out to shoot hoops. Give him a few pointers but not too many. He knows alot and he knows what he is doing. He just needs the encouragement because something Seth and I have both gone through is at his age, we greatly undermined our potential in things. We lacked alot of self confidence, the faster nathan can find that, the faster he will grow to be a great young man. As you can see, I am not even talking about just basketball or even just sports. Nathan has more potential than probably any one of us to turn into someone really special. It can come through sports, by gaining self confidence and realizing how much worth he has to his family and the entire clanking world when he invents a time machine or something! He´s growing up fast and so is grant. Seth already got there. There is no right of mine to be able to call him a kid still. He is a man. I have thought so much about my brothers this week. All three of them. For being the oldest, I sure do feel like I have three examples bigger than me in those guys. We would be nowhere though if it weren´t for our mom and dad. It has made me realize that it just may be that we weren´t just randomly placed together in the same family. I often recall the words of an old friend of mine, he said it before he even came here to earth oddly enough. ¨What is that sound? Rising up from the world. It´s the sound, of a clock, ticking on.¨ Time is ticking and my brothers are growing up. Grant for sure could beat me up now if he wanted to. Luckily for me the kid has no evil bone in his body. =) I sure do love you mom. I hope you don´t forget either, even though it passed yesterday, what a perfect choice you made 25 years ago in being sealed to our dad. He´s done so much for our family and is one who is never heard complaining. When he had jobs he didn´t like, he still got up in the morning and went to work, many times fighting his lazy kids to get up and get ready for school haha but never complained. I can work here on my mission with alot of peace in my heart knowing that my mom is protected back home by a dad who loves her in a way that only a couple people could understand, Heavenly Father and our brother Jesus Christ. I sure love my family!

Oh yeah! And wanna know something crazy, that book that your reading in ward council, I have it =) You´ll never guess who bought it for me either........ Grandma Karen!!!!

Elder Hackleman

This is my cow. Her name is Tomasa. Ok she isn´t mine but we visit her often when we go to a sister´s house that we are teaching.

Those pigs were born during our lesson!!!!!!

I love Bacon!

June 4, 2014 Letters

Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Amy wrote:

What a week we have had. Friday we had a surprise birthday party for Nathan. In order to pull it off, I had so many lies going it was crazy. I couldn't wait for the party so I could get out from under all of my lies ha ha. It ended up being even better than I had thought it would. Tim Law brought over his shaved ice truck and served up some yummy treats. It really was a huge hit. We were at the volleyball field up the street from our house.

A few hours before the party we were talking to Nathan about his birthday on Wed and I told him I would bring a birthday cake to scout camp for everyone. He told me I could bring cake, but not to tell anyone it was his birthday, because he didn't want anyone to know it was his birthday. I thought, oh, no, he has no idea what is coming in a few short hours. I thought he might be mad at me. Well, it was so much fun and he admitted it was fun to be surprised. I think he has been flying under the radar lately with not much attention going his way, so it was about time he had his own day to shine.

I will send pictures in a separate email so it doesn't slow up this email. We had a car stop by wanting to buy some shaved ice. It was funny, so we talked Tim into bringing the trailer over on Saturday and park it next to our house. He made almost 300 bucks in about 3 1/2 hours. There was a steady stream of people. All of the sudden a downpour of rain came out of nowhere so Nathan and Tim were packing up to finish for the day and before they could get everything put away, the rain stopped and more people came to buy some shaved ice. It really was a hit. We are trying to talk Tim into parking the trailer at our house every weekend until he finds a permanent spot for it.

So the boys are off at scout camp. I know your dad told you about it so I won't say much, except to say that Tim has worked so hard to get everything ready for the mission blitz/service project being done today. He is doing such a great job.

Nathan is starting basketball camp at the school today. We will drive him back and forth to scout camp. I hope they see is potential :)

So Grandma Polly flies home today. She has been so sweet all month. We will miss her. We have had a great time going to the zoo a bunch :)

Did you get transferred?

I sure love you!


Color Throwing

Nathan's 15th Birthday Party - Dashed with Color Powder

Shave Ice

Now That is One Happy Birthday Boy

Everyone Loves Shaved Ice

After Dark We Played Dodge Ball with Glow In The Dark Bracelets


Hey mom! Sorry! It has been a crazy few days. So first off, I didn´t write Monday because the entire city of Huaraz´s internet system went out. I couldn´t get permission to write home until today. Secondly, I got transferred. I am happy but a little bummed as well, not going to lie. I miss Huaraz. I was so lucky to be sent there. Haha Now I am working in an area called Pueblo Supe, Barranca. It´s on the beach! Elder Kitchens, my trainer and best friend, just got sent to Huaraz. How is that for luck? He gets sent there the day I leave. Anyway, my new companion´s name is Elder Sandoval. He is from Chile. He is really cool. He is a little quiet and keeps to himself a lot which I must admit, I love about him.

That party you threw for Nathan looks like it was soo fun! I have never been in those color fights. They look awesome though! Well I don´t have much time but next week I will send you some pictures. I love you!

Elder Hackleman

Monday, June 2, 2014

Peruvian Food Made In America

This is Elder Hackleman's Favorite Food In Peru
So We Made Some At Home

Monday, May 26, 2014

Things Our Missionary Wonders About Back Home

How Lebron and the Heat are Doing.

Heat rally late, beat Pacers 99-87 in Game 3

MIAMI (AP) -- Down by 15 early, the Miami Heat could have hit the panic button.

LeBron James

Instead, they found a way to move within two wins of another trip to the NBA Finals.

LeBron James scored 26 points, Dwyane Wadeadded 23 and the Heat shook off a horrid start to beat the Indiana Pacers 99-87 on Saturday night in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals, taking a 2-1 lead and breaking a back-and-forth trend in the rivalry. The teams had alternated wins and losses in 13 straight meetings - until now.