Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lima West Mission - My District

My District

They're The Best!

Guess which one is me?

My companion and I work hard
But we also remember to have fun along the way.

The Day in the Life of a Missionary in Peru

Hey mom! 

We have baptisms planned. That's what we do out here. =) hehe I am doing great. 

I can't believe it's March.....It is so surreal. 

I hope there is still snow when I get there!!! PRAY FOR SNOW! 

Jake told me he's gonna get his ticket. You´re gonna love him. Haha is he gonna get there before or after me? 

I didn´t know Tayson was gonna have a baby. Good for him. Kira as well. haha 

I can´t believe Grant is gonna be 14! That kid is growin up too fast. 

I wanna go to the zoo. =) 

I love you momma!

Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder Hackleman,

How is it going? What is new in your neck of the woods? I can't believe March is here! What do you have planned for your last month in the mission field?

It is still very cold here, but I guess it is supposed to warm up a little during the day at least later on in the week. We still have a little snow outside in patches. We might get some snow today and tomorrow, but just flurries.

Mom get's here on Wednesday. I am hoping all goes well with her flight. It's always a bit scary having her fly by herself.

I forgot if I told you that Tayson and his wife are expecting a baby and so is Kira and her husband. Both due this summer I believe.

I have still been chatting with Jake. He is booking his ticket this week for coming out.

Just a reminder, it is Grant's birthday next Monday. He will be the big 14.

Nathan had his one Saturday off yesterday. The rest of the month of March he will have performances every weekend. 

We ended up going to the zoo. It was very cold so we stuck with the inside exhibits and the movie. I love going to the zoo. I could go every day ha ha.

I sure love you!

Love mom

Monday, February 23, 2015

Wrong is Never Right

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 8:48 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder,

What was your week like? I would love it if you could get some more pictures of the scenery of Peru.

Nathan has an appointment today to get his wisdom teeth holes checked. He is having a rough go at it. I think he has infection. His cheek is bruised on the outside. He looks like he's been in a boxing match. Hopefully he will turn the corner this week. He ended up only going to school on Friday last week. He did go to the show choir competition this weekend. His choir took second place. They really did a great job. It was so fun to watch.

Grant had his last church basketball game on Saturday. He really stepped up. Nathan and Adam weren't there so Grant had big shoes to fill. As I was watching the game I kept thinking, who is that getting all the rebounds, boxing out, and controlling the pace and then I would realize it was Grant. I can't believe two months ago he told us he wasn't going to play church ball because he wasn't good enough. I made him and Nathan go to the church and practice dribbling, shooting, bounce passes, and drills. I did a drill that he would run toward the basket and I would throw the ball from the 3 point line with him on the run. He would then need to grab the ball, take one bounce and make a layup. I made him and Nathan practice this over and over from all different angles. He would get so mad at me and couldn't figure out what good it was doing. Many days we left the gym with Grant not even talking to me he was so mad. Well, it really paid off because during the games he would recognize fast break opportunities all the time and feed in some great passes. His game play and coordination really have come so far in a short amount of time. Before Nathan had show choir on Saturdays the two of them were unstoppable. They both could pass and receive fast break moves to the board with ease.

I was the lead teacher this week at my Pathway gathering. It turned out fine. It wasn't as comfortable as teaching seminary, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be either. I of course started with an object lesson because that is how I roll ha ha.

Your dad is in the thick of things with his classes. He is doing such a great job.

The bishop has asked that you speak the first Sunday after you get home:)

I sure love you! I hope we get your flight information soon.

Love Mom

Hey mom! It is so funny to read your letter when you talk about basketball. I have come to realize that I failed you and dad cuz I never even gave basketball a shot and you guys both played. Oh well. Haha I will get some pictures of everything I can this week. I will tell you what. I am pushing myself so hard to end. I am leaving Perú Monday night at like 11 at night so you will expect me Tuesday in the afternoon. I sure love you mom! I can’t wait for you to meet Jake. You are gonna love him.


Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Tim wrote:

Dear Elder!

How was your week? Have you been able to teach any families? How has church been going? I've been meaning to ask you if you're still playing the piano?

We had a great Sunday yesterday. We had some wonderful talks in Sacrament meeting about the difference between home teaching and ministering. How ministering is way more in depth than just visiting. Also, about how you have to be in tune with the Spirit in order to know when and how to minister. Then we had a lesson in Gospel Doctrine about Christ's miracles. It was a great Sunday all the way around.

I hope you have the best P-Day ever today!!

I know this is short, but I know you are super busy. Just tell us what's happening and maybe send some pictures!!! ;)

Te amo hijo.


Hey dad! I have had more spiritual experience these last few weeks than in all of my mission. I can´t even begin to explain them, but I got them down in the journal so don’t worry, you guys will hear all about them in....a few short weeks! Can you believe it?? I do play piano once in a while.

Love Elder Hackleman

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Pride Cycle

Teachings from the Book of Mormon Study Guide

3 Nephi 6:12. Prosperity and Peace Can Lead to Pride

During the years immediately prior to the Savior’s personal ministry among the Nephites, the people enjoyed a period of brief prosperity. Unfortunately, this temporal success led to “pride and boastings because of their exceedingly great riches” (3 Nephi 6:10).

President Henry B. Eyring warned about such challenges in our day: “A little prosperity and peace, or even a turn slightly for the better, can bring us feelings of self-sufficiency. We can feel quickly that we are in control of our lives, that the change for the better is our own doing, not that of a God who communicates to us through the still, small voice of the Spirit. Pride creates a noise within us which makes the quiet voice of the Spirit hard to hear. And soon, in our vanity, we no longer even listen for it. We can come quickly to think we don’t need it” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2001, 16; or Ensign, Nov. 2001, 16).

Several times in Book of Mormon history the people passed through a cycle of righteousness, prosperity, riches, pride, wickedness, destruction, humility, and righteousness again. For more information and a diagram depicting the pride cycle, refer to “The Cycle of Righteousness and Wickedness” in the appendix (page 414).

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Companion and I Right Now

My companion Elder Rivera and I....right now. Haha

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Amy wrote:

Dear Elder,

Ok, so now you can tell me, what is your new companion like? Where is he from etc?

We had a good week. Nathan had his first show choir competition on Saturday. He did a great job. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of him. I was videoing the entire production but didn't take a picture. Don't worry, I will get one next week. He performs again on Saturday. He wore a blue tux with a green tie and the girls wore green dresses.

They sounded and looked awesome.

Church yesterday was great. We were sitting on the front row during sacrament meeting and I had my head bowed. I saw out of the corner of my eyes the deacons walking past and I noticed one of them was wearing pants that were way too short. I thought, boy who is that, so I looked up and to my utter amazement it was Grant. It appeared he had grown a couple of inches in a week, either that or he has been wearing high waters for a while and I just haven't noticed. I guess we are going shopping this week for some new church pants for the poor guy.

Grant played great during the church basketball game. He actually played center for a while. He has never played that position before so he didn't really know where to stand but he is one of the tallest players on the team when Nathan isn't there. It worked out perfectly, because Nathan performed first thing in the morning so I was able to hurry over to the church after Nathan's performance and still catch most of Grant's basketball game. Anyway I was looking at Grant out on the court and thought to myself, he seems taller than last week, but then I shrugged it off almost as fast as I thought it. Obviously I should have considered it further. I hate to say it, but he might be taller than Seth already.

Well, we are getting ready to head out for Nathan to get his wisdom teeth removed. His appointment is at 11:00. It's nice because the boys don't have school today because it is President's Day so Grant gets to go with me.

The big thing happening this week is I am the lead teacher at Pathways. I never usually get nervous teaching, but I have been having anxiety about being the lead student since it is math and it's not my favorite subject. Luckily we are discussing spreadsheets and I am not too bad at that. We'll see how it goes. One good thing is I have learned a formula for calculating Celsius into Fahrenheit so I can figure out the temperature for you if you ever need me to. I am supposed to be able to transform pesos into dollars as well, but I'm not as good at that. Sorry. If you ever wanted to know the formula for temperature conversion is: C=5/9(F-32). 

Temperature Conversion Formula

I sure love you. Have a wonderful week!

Love, Mom

Mom, I love you so much. I hate to be a jerk, but I have known that formula since I was but a wee one.....=) I am so proud of you though. Next time I need the temperature converted I will definitely consult you before taking the time to do it myself. I can’t believe grant is so tall. He hasn't past me has he?

My companion is awesome! He is one of my favorite companions. His name is Elder Rivera. He is from Guayaquil Ecuador. We were best friends from the get go. We teach and contact so well together. I would love to have 2 or more transfers with him instead of just one. =( Mom. My mission is going by so fast! They are buying my plane ticket already. AHHH!!! I can’t wait to see you guys though. I love you!

Elder Hackleman

I got a few pictures of Nathan before and after his wisdom teeth surgery. Crazy kid wanted to show me he wasn't in pain so he ran around the car the second after the nurse put him in the car after his surgery. I was so mad at him. The bleeding had clotted and stopped before we left the Dr. office but due to his run around the town, it started bleeding profusely. Dang it all. He thought he was so funny. Ya, he won't be laughing when he gets dry sockets. I thought of letting the pain meds wear completely off to teach him a lesson, but then after thinking about it for a while I realized he was still under the influence of the meds so I need to give him a break. He claims he counted down to 94 before he fell asleep. I forgot to ask the nurse so I can't confirm that number. I will double check on our follow-up appointment.

Love Mom

He was goofy before they even gave him any Meds.

Ice Packs!

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Tim wrote:

Dear Elder,

How were transfers?!?!?!? Tell us all about your new companion! You have the opportunity to show him what going out in style really means!! I know you have a lot of Zone work to do, but were you able to teach anyone this week? Something that came to me at church yesterday. I was sitting in PEC and we were talking about home teaching and the struggles that we have doing it and reporting it. Then we started talking about the people who request no contact with the Church. How do we deal with them? The church strongly discourages and dissuades names being removed from the records. My thoughts turned to the parable of the lost sheep of course. But then it occurred to me that, much of what we need to learn is the "process of seeking." So much of the time we go to an address and find that they've moved. So we diligently try ways that seek them out to have their records follow them? Anyway, I just thought it was interesting that sometimes it's not just the act of doing, but learning from the act of doing.

On the home front, Nathan is getting his wisdom teeth out for real today. We'll let you know how that went next week. I attached a couple pictures of your silly brother. One is while he was at the kitchen table over the weekend. He was working on one of his many "experiments". The other is of him at the UNO hockey game with me on Friday. And by the way... I gave him a haircut on Saturday after I saw these.

I can't wait to hear all about your week!!

¡Te amo tanto!


Grant at the UNO Hockey Game

Hey dad! I got my new companion this week. His name is Elder Rivera. He is from Ecuador and is one of my favorite companions of my entire mission. From the second we were put together we just clicked. He is so awesome. We love to work hard but have fun doing it. We have been in meetings almost all week but we are going hard this week because the people we find this week will potentially be my last baptisms. =( I will send a pic of him in a sec....p.s. I am living in a peruvian oven right now but I still love life. How can that be......Haha Love you dad!

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Tim wrote:

It's only 80 degrees there!! :) Plus, there's no way it's worse than two-a-days in Buenavista, VA!!


That thermometer is lying. It’s gotta be 110. Haha and air conditioning doesn't exist here. I have two of my buddies writing me from SVU right now saying they walked on at Weber state. One of them is in Jake Kitchen`s Spanish class! Haha

Happy President's Day

Peru might not be celebrating the US national holiday of President's Day, but President Monson is the Church President for the entire world, so happy President's Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

See that ye serve with all your HEART

Note from mom: The letters home are getting shorter and shorter each week as Elder Hackleman's time in the mission field is drawing to a close. He told me not to worry, he is just working harder than ever and he promises he will tell us all about it when he gets home.

Dear Mom,

I hope the snow stays!!! We just got transfer notices today. I am staying here! It will officially be my last area. I don´t get my companion until tomorrow though. Elder Quezada is currently on the plane home right now. Crazy. I am six weeks away! I can’t believe it.

Gotta go momma. I am really pushing myself to the limits these last few months. Love you! You worry about the planning stuff for when I get home and I will worry about baptizing a ton of people and getting home as soon as I can!

Love Elder Hackleman

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 9:57 AM wrote:

Dear Elder J Hackleman,

Tell me all about your new companion. Where is he from etc. How has this week been going for you?

Nathan didn't end up getting his wisdom teeth taken out on Friday. He went to seminary and while there he forgot and ate a cookie. Because of this they had to postpone the surgery. No food after midnight, not even a little cookie. He was so bummed. He ended up having to go to school. Everyone was wondering why he was there. He finally told a teacher he was there because a cookie just jumped in his mouth and before he knew what was happening it was going down his throat. They all had a good laugh. He is scheduled for wisdom teeth surgery a week from today. Now he is probably going to have to miss two days of school since he won't have the weekend to recover but we couldn't do it on a Friday because he has show choir performances every weekend from here on out for the next couple of months.

Saturday night he had a little party with some friends over. They watched "The Maze Runner."

Grant is sure getting taller. Everyone keeps telling me he is looking like you now. That sure makes Grant happy.

We ended up having two snow days last week because we got so much snow, but Saturday and Sunday it warmed up to the 40's so it is melting. It is about half way gone and most likely won't make it to the end of the week, melting a little here and there each day. It's not exactly a heat wave, but it warms up just enough to melt a little here and there.

What is happening in your neck of the woods?

I sure love you!

Love Mom

Two Missionaries that Served With Both Elder Hackleman's

What are the changes that two missionaries would have the chance to serve with Elder J. Hackleman who is serving in Peru and Elder S. Hackleman who is serving in Mexico? Well the odds are against it, but it happened. Pictured above: Elder S. Hackleman, Elder Charlton and Elder Jones.

These two missionaries served with Elder J Hackleman at the Provo Missionary Training Center. 

They love Elder J Hackleman.

They both wanted to say hello to Elder J. Hackleman!!! 

Younger Brother's Lament

Grant Has Regrets

Things I should have done with my brothers before they left on their missions.

Now that Grant is getting ready to turn 14 years old he has been able to recognize regrets that he has. Yesterday he was talking about two major regrets he should have done with his brothers before they left on their missions.

1. Teach them how to do laundry.

Grant has been doing laundry since he was 5 years old and his mother had neck surgery. His older brothers had a certain leadership quality that enabled them to pull a Tom Sawyer on everyone in their circle which makes for an un-canning ability to talk other people into doing their laundry for them. Even when Elder Hackleman was at college for a year he didn't do his laundry. He had a very nice lady who cleaned the laundry room and bathrooms at the dorms, who would do his laundry for him, and the football teams equipment was all laundered for the football team.

Grant decided he is going to once and for all teach his brothers when they get home from their missions.

2. Teach them how to Sew.

Grant happens to be very good at sewing. He now wishes he would have taught a little bit more to his brothers so they wouldn't have to go through life with bad sewing skills.  Take for example exhibit A.

Exhibit A

This is Elder S. Hackleman's laundry bag. 

It ripped so he decided to teach himself how to sew. He thinks it looks pretty amazing.  Maybe a little more practice and he can have the skill level of his little brother.

Not that the Hackleman brothers are competitive or anything, but which sewing do you think is better?
Yes, Grant has skills.